Achieving higher levels of productivity in your business will depend on many factors, one of the most important being the working environment or office space in which you work in. Ask yourself – Is your current office the best place for you and your employees to achieve an all balanced working environment? We at the Oldknows Factory know how crucial this can be, from start up companies to well established businesses alike. We have put together this article for you, with our tried and tested knowledge of ways to improve your company’s productivity by changing your office space.
Having a new office space can bring many benefits for productivity in the workplace, and can create a more inviting space for your team and clients to enjoy coming into each day. We collectively spend a huge portion of our lives working, so why not make sure that you are working in an environment that you enjoy being in?
Mental Wellbeing
It’s so important that your team’s mental health is always taken into consideration. Working in a safe and positive working environment can have a significant impact on creativity and productivity. It’s surprising what a change of scenery and a refreshed environment can do for mental wellbeing in the workplace. It doesn’t have to be a huge change, either. In fact, even a small office space for rent can have a hugely positive impact on workplace positivity and wellbeing.
Value mental health and wellbeing as core assets of your organisation
- Commit to developing an approach to mental health at work that protects and improves mental health for everyone, whilst supporting those people who experience distress. Designate board champions, and ensure senior leaders and middle managers are responsible for implementing mental health programmes.
- Commit to reviewing the way you do business to ensure your everyday working culture is as mentally healthy as possible. Make evidence based mental health promotion tools like mindfulness and exercise available to all staff.
- Regular staff surveys and other research to build data about staff mental health, using findings to plan and deliver action and inform workplace policies. Recognise and celebrate the impact of existing employee benefits and corporate social responsibility activities on the mental health and wellbeing of staff.
Better Communication
Your current work space may not allow your team to communicate the same way if they were all in the same office space. Having the ability to speak to a colleague is more productive and great for team morale. A shared office space means people are more likely to make the effort and speak to one another, as opposed to sending emails all the time or not even bothering to communicate.Therefore, communication can increase a substantial amount when working in a shared office space, and with better communication, comes greater productivity and a happier working environment.
Productivity and Delivery
A fresh start is always great for morale, maybe this is you taking your business to the next level? A new office space is ideal for driving creativity by giving your team that much-needed freedom to change the scenery and get a fresh perspective. This is absolutely key in driving both delivery and productivity rates, as no one likes to be stuck in a rut staring at the same space all day long. With this is the opportunity to grab a coffee, chat with co-workers and take their work to a different corner of the office.
Oldknows Factory
The Oldknows Factory has plenty of office spaces to rent in Nottingham! If you are looking for a new working environment then look no further. The Oldknows Factory holds a range of facilities and amenities to help your creativity and productivity flow. It’s full of unique character and a great established community full of passionate individuals and companies. Whatever position you are in, be it an entrepreneur, young professional or an established business, we have the perfect office space to rent!
If you have any further questions about our office space to rent, then feel free to get in contact with us. Also to get an idea of the vibe of the Oldknows Factory then you should check out our website and social media platforms. Give us a call to discuss an office space on 0115697057 or Contact Us here.