Whether it’s your first time designing an office space, or you’re redesigning an outdated space, we have written about all of the tips and tricks in this blog to create something inspiring. Sometimes it can be difficult to simply start a project, especially when an office has to be practical, inspiring and comfortable. If you work full time you will be spending 33.3% of your life at work, so it’s important that you get the design right. The days of blue office chairs, grey carpets and beige walls are gone, it’s time to make your office space creative, unique and inspiring for the forward-thinking individuals that work for the business.
Business’ all over the globe are encouraging their employees to spend more time at the office by designing spaces that cater to their employee’s needs. Some offices have leisure spaces, cool out zones, some even with beauty salons and medical facilities. Of course, there’s no obligation to do any of this, but if you can find something that your employees want, they’re likely to enjoy working for you much more.
If you’re looking for office spaces in Nottingham, take a look at Old knows Factory today.
Without further ado, let’s discuss how to design an office space.
Open office spaces
In modern times, open office spaces are taking storm. This doesn’t just create a space that seems bigger and create a great aesthetic, it also means that your employees can speak directly to each other, which saves time and brings new ideas to light. This could mean dismantling walls and rearranging furniture, but it could be worth it if you have to communicate regularly in the business. An open office will open up opportunities on how to design an office space, as you are not limited to containing furniture in certain areas. If you’re looking for open office space, Oldknows Factory has some great open offices with fantastic designs.
Natural lighting is key
Lighting may seem like a minimal feature, but it actually enhances productivity. According to a Leesman survey, 72 per cent of workers said that natural light was an important feature. These workers experienced higher levels of productivity and engagement with their work. In addition to this, natural lighting also means spending less on bills. Oldknows Factory has plenty of natural lighting in their offices, which is great for production.
Introduce more glass
Having glass to partition certain spaces is a great way to keep the natural light inside the office area whilst maintaining privacy. Glass will keep out the sound and offer an element of privacy if needed which is great for those important meetings or client calls. This could for example, be incorporated in board rooms. This is a great way how to design an office space, as it gives an open space with more privacy.
Break out spaces
A break out space can be used for employees to relax during their lunch breaks and de-stress from the day. Break out spaces aren’t just a benefit for employees, they also benefit the company greatly by giving employees space to think more clearly and come up with innovative ideas. The good thing about creative spaces is that they can be designed in any way you wish. There’s no need to keep them formal as there’s plenty of opportunities to make them fun and creative.
Sit and stand up desks
When thinking about how to design an office space, you have to think about your employee’s comfort. Sitting down for long periods of time is unhealthy for anyone, with new research stating that sitting is linked to being overweight and obese, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and early death. To combat these issues, workplaces have put standing up desks in place to benefit their employees.
Invest in quality furniture
Quality furniture can seem like a big expense, however, if you invest in this, it saves you money in the long run. Cheap flat pack furniture will simply not be able to hold up over time, especially if you’re planning to expand the number of employees in the business. Furniture needs to stand the test of time as it will be used all day, every day.
Thank you for reading our blog ‘How to design an office space’. If you are looking for futuristic office spaces in Nottingham, take a look at Oldknows Factory today.